Geography of the World

Whaler’s Vault – A land of ice and snow, almost completely bare of trees. Home to seals, penguins, and a great multitude of whales, making it commercially important as a source of whale oil and seal fur. Birds of the continent and surrounding islands include petrels, sheathbills, and the majestic wandering albatross. The basis for the ecosystem is krill. There is no settlement or outpost anywhere in the islands of Whaler’s Vault, though several long-term arctic expeditions have been undertaken to study and survey the ecology.

Former Cavendian Colonies – This fertile coastal area once belonged to the Vapanchi and other native Sutherbury tribes. It was conquered and settled by Cavendian explorers early on, and it became the site of 15 Cavendian colonies, which later united. After winning the War of Independence, the entire continent was claimed by the new nation of Sutherbury. This name was chosen in honor of Lord Gilbert Sutherbury, leader of the revolution. Though the entire continent is considered the lands of this nation, the northwesterly region is the center of development, population, and commerce for Sutherbury. Most of the continent remains unsettled, home only to indigenous peoples.

The Outback – This term refers to areas largely unsettled by those of Cavendian descent. Much of the continent’s isolated areas remain unexplored. Many of these lands are unsuitable for agriculture. There are low, rocky mountains, mesas, dune fields, salt pans, and other arid landscapes. However, the continent also contains jungles and some forested mountain regions in the far east of the continent. Fauna of Sutherbury includes many animals unknown in the Cavendian isles such as kangaroos, ant-eaters, emus, ostriches, flying squirrels, bandicoots, lions, elephants, monkeys, great apes, and so on. Of special interest are the echidna, the platypus, the koala, the devil bear, the numbat, the orange-striped cape tiger, the black rhino, the mongoose, the peacock, the cobra, and others.

Northern Nadhili Tribes – This region has a climate characterized by four distinct seasons. It has bitter, wet winters and hot, humid summers. It is rugged terrain principally covered by ancient deciduous forests. Animals of the region include black bears, deer, elk, foxes, rabbits, squirrels, wolves, beavers, and river otters.

Hylu Mountains – The home of the largest population of Gremlins, these cave-riddled mountains are densely forested at lower altitudes and bare rock and snow at the highest altitudes.

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